.NET Framework 4.0
About Players
İmport Face and Hair to dtoc.img
Player İmport & Export
Player Import Pes 2012 Wild Editor Player File
Edit Player Name
Edit Basic Settings
Face & Hair Relink
Edit Accessories
Edit Motion
Edit Position
Edit Special Skill Cards
Edit Basic Ability
Adjust Ability
Edit Body Settings
How to use
- open exe
- open dt04.img
- select player mode ( match mode, copa mode ) because they have diffrent files.
- select any player
- make changes
- click apply changes
- after finish your works, file/save
- that's finish
How to import Face or Hair
- select any player
- relink face id and hair id
- open dt0c.img
- drag & drop face or hair file on white panel
- click import files to dt0c.img
- apply changes
- save
- finish